- Boredom – Stimulation through toys and puzzle games. This works well for pet parents that are not home for large portions of the day.
We like this one: Outward Hound Nina Ottosson Dog Brick Interactive Treat Puzzle Dog Toy to stimulate your dog’s mind with food rewards.
Barking from boredom can keep you wondering: Do dogs get tired of barking?
Also, this toy or something similar might help to stimulate your dog and relieve boredom. The Pet Zone IQ Treat Ball will take some figuring out and has the potential to keep your dog busy for quite a while.
Also, there’s really no way around it. Dog need physical stimulation. Taking them for a walk at least once a day is good, two is better, but one walk is better than none. Or if you are unable to take them for a walk, maybe try some safe and vigorous play indoors. An exercised and tired dog is a calm dog.
If you have a fenced yard, you might train your furry friend to use one of these AFP Automatic Dog Ball Launcher Automatic Ball Launcher. It literally plays catch with your dog using both stimulation and exercise. If that is out of your price range, this Nerf Dog Tennis Ball Blaster might be just what you both need.
- Confusion – As mentioned, this can happen with some illnesses: Head trauma, stroke, poisoning, medication toxicity, liver disease, Lyme disease, canine distemper, inflammation of the nervous system, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Dementia, etc. If you witness confusion in your dog in any way, it is important for you to take your dog to your veterinarian immediately. Any one of these can be a serious medical condition and should not be ignored.
One of the most commons reasons for confusion in older dogs is Dementia. Comfort them. Keep changes to a minimum. Be patient with them. Watch for any drastic changes in behavior, especially aggression.
- xcitement – Again, training them by giving them treats when they are calm, even if you have to wait a while for it, is the best way to positively train your dog.
In our mention in Newsweek, our head writer, Michelle Lehr said:
“They’re showing off their playful and fun-loving nature and communicating that they’re content and relaxed in their environment.”
“If the dog lets their playful side out, it could be a sign of pure joy and excitement. It might even indicate that the dog enjoys having their coat groomed and dried. In this case, the dog is actively communicating with the caregiver and sharing their enthusiasm for the situation.”
Again, there are white noise machines that you can get to lightly and unobtrusively drown out the sounds of other dog barking as well as any other noises that may excite your dog.
- Instinct– Much of the consideration for the breed you chose should have come before you got your dog. You can work on training, but more than likely, at times you will have to accept it. A single day with a Beagle can keep you wondering: Do dogs get tired of barking?
- Loss of vision– Special training for blind dogs with verbal and touch cues can be used to help them.
- Pain – Dog owners need to take their dogs to their veterinarian immediately if they witness any symptoms of pain like barking, yelping, panting, licking, shaking, flattened ears, lowered head, scratching at an area of their body, biting (at themselves and others), loss of bladder/bowel control, tiredness, sluggishness or loss of appetite or any combination of these.If you witness confusion in your dog in any way, it is important for you to take your dog to your veterinarian immediately. Any one of these can be a serious medical condition and should not be ignored.
- Sadness – This will take time, love and understanding. Dogs mourn similar to humans.
- Separation Anxiety – There is specific training for separation anxiety that involves praising and treating the dog when you leave and ignoring them when you come home. It’s mentally hard on you, as well as the dog, but in the long run you both will benefit.
Why would it be important to quiet your dog when you aren’t there? Because it is a symptom of a root cause…anxiety. Reduce the anxiety and the dog won’t bark. Plus, if you are in an apartment or in a neighborhood with close neighbors, you won’t leave them wondering: Do dogs get tired of barking? Do dogs get tired of barking?
Sometimes keeping them busy for part of the time that you are gone will help. A lot of dogs are food motivated and this Lickimat Classic Soother, Slow Feeder for Dogs, is perfect because it will take quite a while for your dog to lick the peanut butter out from between the crevices. This is also better than the puzzle toys for big dogs.
- Stress – As with humans, reducing stress is important. Avoid any sudden changes. If moving, if it is possible, take the dog over to new the house before you move in. If that is impossible, then set up a safe place for your furry friend with familiar items. Avoid leaving them alone in the new house for long periods of time at first.
If your pet seems shy of other animals and your dog barks out of fear , a new pet, if possible, should be introduced gradually. Put them in different rooms, let them smell each other under the door. Then put in a baby gate, of appropriate size, with door open so they can see and smell each other.
In most cases, they will become friends or at least tolerant of each other.As for a new person, make sure the new pet or person is respectful of the dog’s boundries if the dog is showing signs of stress. Let the new person feed your dog a few times in a row and then switch on and off.
Your dog will begin to see them as a food provider and will more readily accept them as a member of the pack.
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Do dogs get tired of barking? Grooming.
Many groomers recommend that a dog should begin being going to a groomer after they are finished with their shots. If you plan to groom your dog yourself, the earlier the better. Excessive barking while it takes dog owners hours to groom their dog will definitely leave them wondering, do dogs get tired of barking.
The more exposure they get to a groomer and/or grooming as a puppy, the less stress they will have as adults. Start slowly, make it a positive experience with praise and treats. Make sure you let the puppy smell the equipment you are about to use on them.
For clippers, turn the clippers on without touching the puppy with them so they get used to the sound. When they get use to the sound, rest the clippers on their fur backwards so they get used to the vibration.
This is good to do way before their first groom so that by the time they are actually getting groomed, they are used to the sounds and vibrations that tend to scare a dog the first few times they are groomed.

For weather events, especially thunderstorms, there are special vests they can wear to reduce stress. Not surprisingly, thunderstorms can increase the electrical charge in the air, and in turn, your furry friend may feel more static in their fur.
One of the ways to combat this is to have your dog wear a ThunderShirt. This is a light compression garment that works in two ways: 1) It holds your dog’s fur down so that static is at a minimum and 2) it’s also like a weighted blanket for humans. The weight and compression of the garment is calming for your dog.
If you are in a pinch and don’t have or can’t afford a ThunderShirt, dryer sheets also hold down the static in your dog’s fur.. Use this sparingly though because the harsh chemicals may irritate your dog’s skin.
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Do dogs get tired of barking? Are Bark Collars a Solution?
There are several types of bark collars that dog owners can try to stop their dogs barking. Many of them contain settings that range from vibration and tones to a light shock.
Our pick for a good vibration collar is this NBJU Bark Collar for Dogs,Rechargeable Anti Barking Training Collar.
As expected, there are much controversy surrounding shock collars being inhumane. The shock can be light to quite strong and does cause the dog temporary pain. It would be better to train your dog with vibration or treats.
This one detects the vibrations from a bark and will emit a spritz of citronella spray but it seems to be a hit or miss to actually being an effective bark collar to stop your dog’s barking. Here is the best selling model: Downtown Pet Supply – Citronella Dog Collar if you are interested. Just be advised that the main complaints are that it didn’t stop many dogs from barking and the citronella refills were expensive.
Do dogs get tired of barking? Debarking Surgery
This is done by inhumane breeders (puppy mills) to stop the dog from barking. Usually it is done to the breeding dogs but not the puppies. It’s mainly to keep the noise down, obviously, as to not attract attention to the operation.
According to the AVMA:
Devocalization (also termed debarking, devoicing or bark softening) is a surgical procedure performed under general anesthesia to resect varying amounts of the vocal folds or cords… Devocalization may be performed on dogs to decrease the volume, pitch and intensity of the dog’s bark.
There are many risks such as: Problems with anesthesia, a high level of post operative pain, bleeding, swelling, scar tissue, laryngeal paralysis, aspiration pneumonia and the list goes on.
It robs the dog of normal communication. Furthermore, the bark can come back in a few months after surgery.

The Bottom Line: Do dogs get tired of barking?
It’s important not to punish your dog for barking. This is their main form of communication and it is their job to protect you.
Dogs bark for a variety of reasons and it is important to figure out what their motivation is. Once you have identified the reason for your dog barking, if possible, eliminate the stimulant or redirect your dog to distract them.
If the barking was to get your attention, try to identify whether it was merely a need to go to the bathroom or if they wanted a bite of what you were eating. If it’s the latter, research training techniques in order to change the behavior in a positive way.
No matter the reason, remember rewarding positive behavior and ignoring unwanted behavior is the best way to handle any situation.
If you can’t figure out the root cause of your dog’s barking, it is recommended that you have a complete examination with an eye examination and bloodwork done by your veterinarian to ensure no underlying disease is present.
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Do Dogs Get Tired Of Barking?
After being startled by your dogs barking for the 10th time while binge watching your favorite ½ hour TV show you may begin to wonder do dogs get tired of barking?
Just like talking is communication for humans, barking is communication for dogs. Though it may seem that way, it’s not to annoy you.
But a dog’s excessive barking CAN BE annoying to even the most saintly of humans.
Do dogs get tired of barking? Use this a guide to figuring out why your dog barks so much and how to stop it?
The most common reasons that your dog barks:
- Alarmed/Alerted/Alerting
- Afraid
- Aggression
- Attention
- Back Talk
- Boredom
- Confusion
- Excitement
- Hear other dogs barking
- Instinct
- Loss of vision
- Pain
- Sadness
- See an animal outside
- Separation Anxiety
- Stress
- Training
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The reason your dog barks could be from various non-specific sounds, car lights, movement, garage door opening, door opening, doorbell, door knock, wind, etc. and your dog barks to let you know something is amiss.
This is what dogs do. This is a form of territorial barking and your dog barks to protect their home and their food source (you). But if your dog is alerting you to every single thing possible, it can desensitize you to actual danger. Also it can be startling and unpleasant to be relaxing and then suddenly your dog jumps up and starts barking.
This one is difficult to train for because although you want your dog to be alert to situations that may need your attention, your dog will not necessarily be able to sort out the difference. To them it is all or nothing.

Similar to stress but more due to trauma or unexplained fears. Dogs can be afraid of a raised hand, being quickly grabbed, young children, grates in the sidewalk, fluttering laundry on a clothesline or vacuum cleaners.
To other dogs or people in proximity on a walk or near their yard or even another pet trying to eat from the same bowl. This form of territorial barking usually stems from lack of socialization or trauma from some point from another dog.
If you have a young dog, you will want to try to socialize them more. If you have an old dog, more training will be needed. And it is possible that you will not ever get your dog to become more social.
Needy dogs need a lot of attention. Who cares about your Zoom meeting right? This is called “demand barking.”
It may be because you are eating his/her favorite food and not sharing or paying too much attention to your phone.
Sometimes this is for a legitimate reason like having to be let out for a bathroom break or even that your child may be in danger.
Back Talk
Think ‘Siberian Husky’ on this one. It has been theorized that we are one good solar flare away from Huskies having a full on conversations with us.
They need stimulation through play, toys or activities. Also, boredom can be alleviated through exercise. Extra energy can make dogs extra sensitive to outside stimuli and can cause excessive barking.
This reason alone could have you wondering: do dogs get tired of barking?
Sometime elderly dogs will bark out of confusion and this can be an early sign of dog dementia. Especially if your dog was previously not much of a barker and suddenly starts to bark excessively.
Sometimes you just have a happy, high energy and excited dog on your hands. They will communicate their happiness with barking…and A LOT of it. This one alone will have you asking yourself: do dogs get tired of barking.
Hear other dogs barking
A.K.A. The Barky Chain. This happens often that when one dog starts barking (at whatever location it may be in the neighborhood) in the neighborhood the other dogs will start to bark as well inside the houses on down the line.
Your dog’s barking is caused by other dogs barking.
Soon the whole neighborhood is in an uproar and the owners are at a loss as to what their dogs are barking at. To be fair, the dogs, in many cases, don’t even know what they are barking at.
This can go on for what seems like forever leaving you wondering: do dogs get tired of barking?

There are dog breeds that are prone to barking and howling:
- Australian Shepherd (As a herding dog, it’s kind of their job to bark though)
- Alaskan Malamute (cousin to the Husky, no other explanation needed)
- Basset Hound
- Beagles
- Fox Terriers
- German Shepherd
- Jack Russell Terrier
- Keeshond
- Siberian Huskies (howling, barking, back talk, sass)
- Small dog breeds- Boston Terrier, Cairn Terriers, Chihuahuas, Dachshund, Lhasa Apso, Maltese, Miniature Pinscher, Miniature Schnauzers, Pomeranians, Scottish Terrier, Rat Terrier, West Highland Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier (they are known as yappy dogs for a reason)
Remember, you may have a mixed breed that contains one or more of the above dogs. So, if your shelter dog is a barker, that may be why.
Loss of Vision
As dogs age, they may start to lose their vision. Barking and running into furniture can be early indicators of this.
The dog will bark to orient itself and is possibly working with echo-location in which they are listening for the sound to bounce off of objects and walls so that they can find their way more easily. Also, they may be trying to locate you.
There are some dogs that will bark when they are in pain or are sick. If your dog suddenly begins to bark and has other symptoms of illness, consult your veterinarian right away.
Sometimes when there is the loss of a companion pet or one of the humans in a dogs life, they will bark out of grief. Yes, dogs feel it too.
The barking is often mixed with howling as well.
See an animal outside the window
Your dog may see cats, rabbits, squirrels, deer, etc. This is especially true if you have a breed that is connected with hunting.
Also, it has been observed that squirrels can taunt dogs knowing they are safe from them. Your dog is helpless to its instinct.
Separation Anxiety
Oh. My. God! You. Left. Me. For. Two. Minutes!
Just kidding. This is a legitimate problem for dogs, as pack animals, see you as part of the pack. They don’t understand why you left them behind. They want to be with you all of the time.
Dog owners should consult their veterinarian, a professional dog trainer and/or dog behaviorist for help with this.
This can come from factors such as a new pet, a new home, a new person coming into the pack, weather events such as thunderstorms, being newly contained, Groomer anxiety, etc.
Some Service and Therapy dogs are trained to bark to alert their owners of a panic or anxiety attacks, seizures, low or high blood sugar in diabetics and various cardiac events, etc.
The dog may continue to bark to attract attention to the situation while staying by its owner’s side.
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Do dogs get tired of barking?…ever..at all?
Yes, dogs can get tired of barking…eventually. Some sooner than others.
If the barking is from external stimuli (animals, sounds, etc.) the barking will subside when the stimuli is removed. However, it may take longer if it is anxiety, pain or instinct based.
The hardest to stop is attention based or boredom based because it is a “self-reinforcing.” behavior. Meaning that the simple act of barking to a dog is making your dog want to bark more.
In other words, once your dogs needs are met, the barking will probably stop.
Do dogs get tired of barking?
Sometimes they bark so long and hard that the choice is taken from them. Did you know that a dog can even bark themselves hoarse and get a sore throat? It’s true.
According to Kingsdale Animal Hospital it is Inflammatory Laryngitis.
“This is one of the most common causes of hoarse bark in dogs. It occurs when the tissues of the larynx become inflamed and irritated. This can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection, an allergic reaction, or even just excessive barking.”
Do dogs get tired of barking? How to get a dog to stop barking
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After determining what the exact reason for which your dog is barking here are some tips for the best way to handle each of them.
- Alarmed/Alerted/Alerting – remove stimuli, cover windows, put your dog in a quiet place.
For this one, you may just have to keep the TV, music or a white noise machine turned up and the curtains closed. We like this budget friendly model from Homedics. It has six nature sounds (White Noise and water) and it’s portable so it’s good for both you and your dog while traveling.
- Afraid – Remove the trigger or remove your dog from the trigger. If you dog doesn’t do well at the dog park, don’t take them to the dog park. If your dog freaks out at another dog in it’s own yard while taking a walk, avoid that pathway.
- Aggression (To other dogs in proximity, other pet trying to eat from the same bowl). Remove the trigger or remove your dog from the trigger. Learn training techniques to reduce aggression towards other dogs and food aggression.
- Attention – Training your dog by giving them treats when they are calm is a great way to positively change this behavior. That means training yourself by giving them treats when the are not doing the bad behavior. When they are barking for attention, dog owners should ignore them or isolate them away from you temporarily until they are calm.
- Back Talk – Reward good behavior and ignore back behavior. But if you own an Alaskan Malamute or a Siberian Husky…good luck. It’s better just enjoy it, film it for YouTube and become a millionaire.

- Boredom – Stimulation through toys and puzzle games. This works well for pet parents that are not home for large portions of the day.
We like this one: Outward Hound Nina Ottosson Dog Brick Interactive Treat Puzzle Dog Toy to stimulate your dog’s mind with food rewards.
Barking from boredom can keep you wondering: Do dogs get tired of barking?
Also, this toy or something similar might help to stimulate your dog and relieve boredom. The Pet Zone IQ Treat Ball will take some figuring out and has the potential to keep your dog busy for quite a while.
Also, there’s really no way around it. Dog need physical stimulation. Taking them for a walk at least once a day is good, two is better, but one walk is better than none. Or if you are unable to take them for a walk, maybe try some safe and vigorous play indoors. An exercised and tired dog is a calm dog.
If you have a fenced yard, you might train your furry friend to use one of these AFP Automatic Dog Ball Launcher Automatic Ball Launcher. It literally plays catch with your dog using both stimulation and exercise. If that is out of your price range, this Nerf Dog Tennis Ball Blaster might be just what you both need.
- Confusion – As mentioned, this can happen with some illnesses: Head trauma, stroke, poisoning, medication toxicity, liver disease, Lyme disease, canine distemper, inflammation of the nervous system, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Dementia, etc. If you witness confusion in your dog in any way, it is important for you to take your dog to your veterinarian immediately. Any one of these can be a serious medical condition and should not be ignored.
One of the most commons reasons for confusion in older dogs is Dementia. Comfort them. Keep changes to a minimum. Be patient with them. Watch for any drastic changes in behavior, especially aggression.
- xcitement – Again, training them by giving them treats when they are calm, even if you have to wait a while for it, is the best way to positively train your dog.
In our mention in Newsweek, our head writer, Michelle Lehr said:
“They’re showing off their playful and fun-loving nature and communicating that they’re content and relaxed in their environment.”
“If the dog lets their playful side out, it could be a sign of pure joy and excitement. It might even indicate that the dog enjoys having their coat groomed and dried. In this case, the dog is actively communicating with the caregiver and sharing their enthusiasm for the situation.”
Again, there are white noise machines that you can get to lightly and unobtrusively drown out the sounds of other dog barking as well as any other noises that may excite your dog.
- Instinct– Much of the consideration for the breed you chose should have come before you got your dog. You can work on training, but more than likely, at times you will have to accept it. A single day with a Beagle can keep you wondering: Do dogs get tired of barking?
- Loss of vision– Special training for blind dogs with verbal and touch cues can be used to help them.
- Pain – Dog owners need to take their dogs to their veterinarian immediately if they witness any symptoms of pain like barking, yelping, panting, licking, shaking, flattened ears, lowered head, scratching at an area of their body, biting (at themselves and others), loss of bladder/bowel control, tiredness, sluggishness or loss of appetite or any combination of these.If you witness confusion in your dog in any way, it is important for you to take your dog to your veterinarian immediately. Any one of these can be a serious medical condition and should not be ignored.
- Sadness – This will take time, love and understanding. Dogs mourn similar to humans.
- Separation Anxiety – There is specific training for separation anxiety that involves praising and treating the dog when you leave and ignoring them when you come home. It’s mentally hard on you, as well as the dog, but in the long run you both will benefit.
Why would it be important to quiet your dog when you aren’t there? Because it is a symptom of a root cause…anxiety. Reduce the anxiety and the dog won’t bark. Plus, if you are in an apartment or in a neighborhood with close neighbors, you won’t leave them wondering: Do dogs get tired of barking? Do dogs get tired of barking?
Sometimes keeping them busy for part of the time that you are gone will help. A lot of dogs are food motivated and this Lickimat Classic Soother, Slow Feeder for Dogs, is perfect because it will take quite a while for your dog to lick the peanut butter out from between the crevices. This is also better than the puzzle toys for big dogs.
- Stress – As with humans, reducing stress is important. Avoid any sudden changes. If moving, if it is possible, take the dog over to new the house before you move in. If that is impossible, then set up a safe place for your furry friend with familiar items. Avoid leaving them alone in the new house for long periods of time at first.
If your pet seems shy of other animals and your dog barks out of fear , a new pet, if possible, should be introduced gradually. Put them in different rooms, let them smell each other under the door. Then put in a baby gate, of appropriate size, with door open so they can see and smell each other.
In most cases, they will become friends or at least tolerant of each other.As for a new person, make sure the new pet or person is respectful of the dog’s boundries if the dog is showing signs of stress. Let the new person feed your dog a few times in a row and then switch on and off.
Your dog will begin to see them as a food provider and will more readily accept them as a member of the pack.
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Do dogs get tired of barking? Grooming.
Many groomers recommend that a dog should begin being going to a groomer after they are finished with their shots. If you plan to groom your dog yourself, the earlier the better. Excessive barking while it takes dog owners hours to groom their dog will definitely leave them wondering, do dogs get tired of barking.
The more exposure they get to a groomer and/or grooming as a puppy, the less stress they will have as adults. Start slowly, make it a positive experience with praise and treats. Make sure you let the puppy smell the equipment you are about to use on them.
For clippers, turn the clippers on without touching the puppy with them so they get used to the sound. When they get use to the sound, rest the clippers on their fur backwards so they get used to the vibration.
This is good to do way before their first groom so that by the time they are actually getting groomed, they are used to the sounds and vibrations that tend to scare a dog the first few times they are groomed.

For weather events, especially thunderstorms, there are special vests they can wear to reduce stress. Not surprisingly, thunderstorms can increase the electrical charge in the air, and in turn, your furry friend may feel more static in their fur.
One of the ways to combat this is to have your dog wear a ThunderShirt. This is a light compression garment that works in two ways: 1) It holds your dog’s fur down so that static is at a minimum and 2) it’s also like a weighted blanket for humans. The weight and compression of the garment is calming for your dog.
If you are in a pinch and don’t have or can’t afford a ThunderShirt, dryer sheets also hold down the static in your dog’s fur.. Use this sparingly though because the harsh chemicals may irritate your dog’s skin.
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Do dogs get tired of barking? Are Bark Collars a Solution?
There are several types of bark collars that dog owners can try to stop their dogs barking. Many of them contain settings that range from vibration and tones to a light shock.
Our pick for a good vibration collar is this NBJU Bark Collar for Dogs,Rechargeable Anti Barking Training Collar.
As expected, there are much controversy surrounding shock collars being inhumane. The shock can be light to quite strong and does cause the dog temporary pain. It would be better to train your dog with vibration or treats.
This one detects the vibrations from a bark and will emit a spritz of citronella spray but it seems to be a hit or miss to actually being an effective bark collar to stop your dog’s barking. Here is the best selling model: Downtown Pet Supply – Citronella Dog Collar if you are interested. Just be advised that the main complaints are that it didn’t stop many dogs from barking and the citronella refills were expensive.
Do dogs get tired of barking? Debarking Surgery
This is done by inhumane breeders (puppy mills) to stop the dog from barking. Usually it is done to the breeding dogs but not the puppies. It’s mainly to keep the noise down, obviously, as to not attract attention to the operation.
According to the AVMA:
Devocalization (also termed debarking, devoicing or bark softening) is a surgical procedure performed under general anesthesia to resect varying amounts of the vocal folds or cords… Devocalization may be performed on dogs to decrease the volume, pitch and intensity of the dog’s bark.
There are many risks such as: Problems with anesthesia, a high level of post operative pain, bleeding, swelling, scar tissue, laryngeal paralysis, aspiration pneumonia and the list goes on.
It robs the dog of normal communication. Furthermore, the bark can come back in a few months after surgery.

The Bottom Line: Do dogs get tired of barking?
It’s important not to punish your dog for barking. This is their main form of communication and it is their job to protect you.
Dogs bark for a variety of reasons and it is important to figure out what their motivation is. Once you have identified the reason for your dog barking, if possible, eliminate the stimulant or redirect your dog to distract them.
If the barking was to get your attention, try to identify whether it was merely a need to go to the bathroom or if they wanted a bite of what you were eating. If it’s the latter, research training techniques in order to change the behavior in a positive way.
No matter the reason, remember rewarding positive behavior and ignoring unwanted behavior is the best way to handle any situation.
If you can’t figure out the root cause of your dog’s barking, it is recommended that you have a complete examination with an eye examination and bloodwork done by your veterinarian to ensure no underlying disease is present.
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